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2001-07-26 - 1:44 p.m.

Yes it's been a long time since I posted, but I have a good excuse, I swear. You see, I've just finished about one week of Hell. Not the normal, stressful, standard issue Hell you've been reading about so much in Theology class, oh no, this Hell is above and beyond those comparitively minor infernos. You see, my family has just moved. That alone should send shivers up the spine of all and sundry. Moving is officially classified as one of the most stressful experiences in life, right behind divorce and death. But on top of all this, the people we have sold the house to are insane. And I mean that honestly, and with full cognizance of the facts. They have harassed us for the last 2 weeks, driving by during the day, trying to get in to see the repairs we've been doing for the ungrateful bastards, and then calling their broker to try to use said info to their direct financial benefit at our expense. Meanwhile, the contractors we've been hiring to do these repairs have turned out, with one notable exception, to be swindlers and liars of the highest order. They painted over stuff they were supposed to replace, they did a terrible job on the stuff they did, and they managed to fool us right until the final walk-through, when everything was supposed to be perfect. This walk-through occured on the fifth day of a massive monsoon, that has been terrorizing us, and right before they got there we were hit by a tornado (I swear, I'm not making this up) which ripped a prominent shutter off the front of our house, without our knowledge. The shutter had just been replaced by a contractor, one of those about whom I have just been bitching. On top of all this, the massive amounts of rain caused the roof to develop leaks, and quickly melted the plaster on the ceilings on the patio, leaving lovely piles of whitish gunk on the chatahoochie. Of course, our buyer happens to be completely paranoid about water, terrified of his house being destroyed by the weather. So the closing was put off a few days, while we've been operating on insufficient sleep for 5 days, moving and packing our stuff into a much smaller apartment, where we discover that, despite all the furniture we've sold and clothes and belongings we've donated, we have no room. I'm sleeping on the couch for a month, until I get my own apartment, and go through it all again! how fun.


Life is now back to normal (hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....ok, it's settled down a bit) and I have time to actually re-establish contact with the on-line community. In the good news department, I can now actually start looking for a job, which is good because I'm flat broke and about $2,500 in the hole. Hopefully I'll get a good waitering job, and earn some money before I move out. Pay off some debt, mayhaps. Also, I have been invited to audition for a production of Hamlet, and they're looking at me for Laertes (already played him, and did a good job too), Horatio, Rosencrantz and/or Guildenstern. I need to get back on stage, so this comes at a good time. Also, the theater is Equity, so I could break into the union with this. Cool beans, no?

Aside from that, things aren't too bad. The new apartment is really nice, and it's in Hollywood, which means I don't have to drive forever to get to auditions. Plus, Hollywood is pretty much restaurant central, so job prospects are high, I think. I'll keep you posted on my happenings. Oh yeah, watch Invader Zim. It's on Nickelodeon at 9 on Fridays. It's drawn by Jhonen Vasquez. Watch, puny mortals, and understand.


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