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2001-08-09 - 1:30 p.m.

First off, welcome back, amigos. The lock's off, and we're open for business once more. I locked y'alls out for a day because the previous message was fairly personal. I needed some time to make sure that all interested parties were OK with it's appearance in the public domain. Everything eyrie, mon.

Second up, I'm even deeper in debt than I'd thought. Turns out my car insurance is due, another $600, which I don't have. I've got $100 in the bank, thanks to last weeks work, and I got about $120 last night from work, so I should be able to pull it together by next week. But this puts off my plans to repay Billy. So, basically, I need to work as much as possible to get money to clear my debts before I can even think of getting an apartment, which will necessitate about $500 saved up to get the first month's rent. So I'm here for a longer while than I'd planned. Sigh. Worst part is, that means my reclamation of my cat (currently residing with my ex, God bless her) will be delayed until probably October. Sigh. She's not gonna remember me by then. That sucks. Anyway, the frickin job is actually starting to pay now, so my mind is a little eased by that.

Speaking of my ex, we just talked on the phone today, and we have come to an understanding. This is another huge weight off my mind, and hers too, I hope. I managed to not ask whether I was better in bed than her current, very proud of myself there, I suppose. I like to think I can occaisionally act like a grown up, and it's nice when I can do something to reinforce that. I'm working again tonight, and I'm pulling a 12 hour shift tomorrow, but I'll get off on Sunday, so I can spend some time with the Bri-meister before he leaves for Syracuse Law School. That's good, because he is a good sort, and I'll miss him. On the UP side, Billy's coming down in a few days ( not few enough, by my reckoning), and we'll get to hang out for a bit. For the record, and for those of you who do not know, Billy is my twin brother. He's currently at NYU school of history. The man rocks, and what's more, lives in Queens. I highly recommend him.

That's about it, but I'll write more as this story develops. Maybe I'll even do a little more philosophizing in the future, if and when I have the time. Until then, I leave you with my favorite German phrase: 'Ich habe, in meinen Freizeit, eine Freistadt gemacht.' Indeed.

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