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2001-09-07 - 12:18 p.m.

Well, quick update. I've got some actual money saved, which means I can start paying off some more debt. This is a good thing, obviously, and it does wonders to reduce my stress quotient. On the same lines, I recently went with a couple of friends to visit a casino. It was the Seminole Tribe one in Hollywood. Two things struck me. First off, the place itself was pretty ridiculously low-rent: lots of computerized slots, a couple card tables, no roulette, etc. Nothing that in any way could be confused with the casinos from James Bond, or even Atlantic City. Going along with that is the fact that everyone at the casino was poor. There were a couple of middleclass white kids (myself included) and everyone else was pretty solidly proletariat.

The second thing that struck me was that the Tribe makes MILLIONS a year off this thing. That means that millions of dollars of these people's incomes are being siphoned off every year. Statistically speaking, you're gauranteed to lose a lot of money if you gamble, and occaisionally make a small portion of it back at once if you get lucky. It's their money, obviously, and I'm sure they don't need some little punk like me telling them how to spend it, but LORD, I still think they're insane.

Putting two and two together, you have to ask: if the Tribe, a pretty damn small and unimpressive gambling concern, can make millions a year off the poor, what do casinos in Vegas, that cater to the rich and profligate, pull in? Do some people just have too much money? Why don't they just give it to me, dammit!

Ah well, some questions may never be answered. I'll just have to get used to that.

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