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2001-10-06 - 5:07 p.m.

OK, it has been a long time since the last update, but little of import has happened until recently, so I figure we're square. I visited NC for a few days, had the wierd experience of not belonging to the place I've belonged to for 4 years of my life. My friends were there, and great times were had by all, but the fact remained I was there for a visit, not to stay. Sad. The real world is still a tad disappointing.

I lost my job today. This is not terrible: I mean, it's a waitering position, and I didn't like it very much, and the pay was lousy, and the manager is insane. But I lost my job. It's a bit galling, and it hurts my pride. I got fired because I went out last night. Drank too much, woke up with a raging hangover. Honestly, I was feeling sick and lazy, and really didn't want to spend another night at Bones, just wanted to relax for a bit. I called in sick, but way too late: 5 minutes before I was supposed to show up. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but it is a little lousy of me to have done that. I delayed deciding if I was going in way too long, and it resulted in this. On the other hand, I have missed one day of work in 2 and a half months of work, not including today, so I feel that maybe she was over reacting. Especially when she regularly over-staffs the restaurant, making sure that nobody can make any decent money. I don't think my absence will inconvenience anyone there tonight: we've got a crop of new waiters who need the tables anyway. Last night Camilo (one of the waiters) had only one table to his section, and no one walked out with more than $60, I think. On a Friday night. Guh.

Anyway, I wish I hadn't lost my job, I wish I hadn't waited till 5 to call in, I wish I had not drank enough to make me sick this morning, but honestly I'm glad to be unemployed. There are much better restaurants around here, and season is about to start. The uncertainty of it all is a little discombobulating, and I hope I'm employed pretty soon, but for now, I'm going to have myself a weekend.

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