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2001-11-02 - 1:56 p.m.

Things are looking up. There have been a few interesting developements since last I wrote, and I'm a gonna share 'em. First off, Yes, Virginia, there is an Irony Clause, and it's best to beware it. I went to Bones to pick up my final check, fully expecting a series of akward moments punctuated by random acts of loathing. What I got was Rainer, the big German head chef blinking in disbelief as he saw me approach, and asking me where I'd been for 3 weeks. Considering I'd been canned, I thought that a bit odd. We shook hands, clasped forearms and such, and I knew the situation was not what I'd expected. Then Sonia came out, and there was a certain akwardness, yes, but a very genial one. The whole scene was much more like two lovers meeting again after a terrible breakup than anything else. Which, if you've ever seen Sonia, is even creepier than I want to think about.

Long story short, I apologized for my ill-behavior, she said that while my action was unforgivable, I was forgiven, and maybe I'd like to come back to work in the future, I won't be free until the 8th, that's great, gimme a call. This means that I'm un-fired. I never have to put that word on my resume again, I don't have to 'forget' Bones' contact number on my applications. My record is clean. And I have work again, thank God. Being out of a job is very scary right now: there is no work anywhere. 1/2 million people were layed off due to 9-11, and the economy had been slowing down anyway. Money is good, and having it even better.

So, I've got a job lined up, I'm in a play (yay!), and I've got two more auditions lines up for next week. One is for an independant movie, probably no pay, but I need the credits and experience. The second is very promising: the City Theater is auditioning for its upcoming season, and I believe they are Equity. That would mean professional credit, contacts, and a way into the union.

As if this alone were not enough proof that the universe is smiling a bit more kindly upon me, I'm heading up to NYC tomorrow to hang with my Brother (oh fuck yeah!) and with a certain Malraux, with whom you may be acquainted. Haven't scene him in donkey's years, and I look forward to taunting him mercilessly for being a journalist in this economy. I love the fact that there is one profession even more uncertain than my own right now. :)

Of course, the fact that he's getting paid for it all does dull my barbs a bit, but what are friends for?

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