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2001-11-15 - 1:00 p.m.

It's been a while since my last update. How many of my frickin' entries have begun with that statement? 'Good Christ in Heaven, man, update more often!' yelled the diaryland gnome. Or at least, he would, if he existed. I think diaryland needs just such a blasphemous elf to keep us reprobates in line.

I've been busy, and sick, which should help explain the delay. The illness is a miserable fever which has been raging for the last 4 days. I'm starting to worry a bit about that. Plus, it's damn inconvienient: I stumble between hot and cold flashes at random moments, which makes me play hell with my thermostat, and the generalized headache makes walking a much more annoying task than it should be. I'm pretty much praying that today's the last of it: I resume my duties at Bones and Spirits tomorrow, and the last thing I need is a raging fever frighten the customers with. At least I'll soon have money. The credit companies are losing a bit of patience, don't ya know.

But I also claimed I was busy, and I'll now explain! You see, my prior mentions of auditions were followed by actually auditioning, so that's good. What's even better is that I did really well at them. First off, I auditioned for A Christmas Carol. It's Equity Showcase, which is a fancy way of saying '$10 a show'. Got hired, too. I'm Young Scrooge, the one who doesn't have the guts to stop his fiancee from leaving, and the nephew Fred too. It's a brilliant pairing: Scrooge really doesn't like Fred's wife, and I think a lot of that has to do with how his own attempt at love failed. To put it another way, Fred and Scrooge are in many ways two sides, or possibilities, of the same person. So there's a lot to do there.

I also did that Equity audition for the City Theatre. I was really good. I know this, not only because I felt good doing it, but because I watched the auditioners. The one in the middle was watching me wide-eyed, and was entirely into my performance. She stopped being a critic and became an audience. I don't think it's possible to do better in an audition than that. So I'm nice and hopeful about that gig. I auditioned for the movie, won't know about that for about a month, and auditioned for 'Rumours' as well. Then, last night, out of nowhere, I get a call asking me to audition for an improv muder-mystery show. All this stage work keeps me young : )

Perhaps the best bit of the last week was sunday. I went to a movie with a friend I hadn't seen in about 2 years. She's actually an ex of my brother's, from back in high school. She used to play trombone, until her inner ear went rogue and forced her to give it up. Which is a pity, since she was considered one of the best young jazz trombonists in the country. She studied with Winton Marsalis, and played at the Grammys in 1996. So she had to fall back on her first love, architecture, which she's really good at too. She's your everyday, average, drop-dead gorgeous genius. Plus, she's got a great personality and sense of humour to boot.

The funny thing is, I've always been fascinated by her, partly because her description is so much fun to relate, but also because she's always been such a decent and good person. Since highschool, we've seen eachother I think twice in the course of 4 years. But both times we've immediately fallen into an old pattern of chuminess and merriment made all the more interesting because we were never that close to begin with. Hopefully we will soon go bowling, and I will introduce the deprived woman to the wonders of 'The Big Lebowski'. My social circle is thus expanded by one person, for an increase of almost 33%. I'm a little isolated here, which may explain my absurd gratitude for having reestablished contact.

So, all in all, things are going well.

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