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2001-06-11 - 12:39 p.m.

Well, this is the beginning. I am 21 years old. My name is Patrick Christopher Bartholemew Armshaw (Catholics get four names) and I've just finished College. I got myself a brand-spankin' new diploma, in Latina no less, and I am now beginning my career as an actor. As of this moment I have about $1000 in my account, and $3000 in debts. I am jobless, but I'll apply to Kelly Services (a temp agency) in an hour or two. My life is fairly placid, like the calm before the storm. Things are gonna get rough. Soon I'll have to find an apartment, make sure my job pays enough to feed me, and still try to have enough free time to audition for commercials etc. I've got some training, from Middlesex (in London) and The Gaiety in Dublin and the Stella Adler conservatory in New York. Don't know how much good this will all do me, but I feel well-trained. I'm dealing with an interest in Languages and Philosophy. This means that I think about things I can not understand in a manner that others can't interpret. That'll teach me to study Old English and Existentialism, won't it. I love my parents, and my brother Billy and my sister Kat. I have many friends, spread about the country now, and a girl-friend in Sarasota. I just did an audition for the Truth anti-smoking campaign, waiting to hear back from that. Pays about $1000, so I'd really like to get that, pay off some debt. I recently spent some time with my friend Ethan and his grandfather. His Grandmother recently passed away after 60 years of marriage. His grandfather was understandably shaken. He is a good man, I think. Of course, he's also supposedly gonna set up a meeting between myself and John Landis, so I may be a little biased. Connections are interesting things. I'll keep everyone posted on how that turns out (probably nothing, but you gotta dream, right?) That's really about it for now. More news as it develops, a chairde.

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