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2002-03-31 - 2:38 p.m.

First off, Happy Easter. I've got about two minutes before I must head off to work (damn capitalism and all its angry brood), but I had a few things to say on the subject. This won't be evangelism, nor satire, just commentary. A minor midrash on the messiah, if you will.

What does the ressurection mean? God is born, as a human, lives, preaches, and is killed. Three days later, he ascends, announces himself to a few women, visits his mum, and fucks with Thomas the doubtful ("no really, Jesus, I was just kidding, I don't need to put my fingers in there ..." "No, c'mon, mate, it's a gas, really! You wanted to finger my liver, now's your chance!"). A prankster God, I like it. But beyond that, God dies to save the world. Did the world need saving? Look around, it still does. To say otherwise is to say we're perfect, and you don't need to be religious to see the folly in that. Did God save us? Absolutely, thatw as the point. Did God save just the christians, or was everyone else involved somehow? The answer has to be, that if he saved any of us, he saved all of us. God came down, was us, died horribly and suffered a lot. When his killers were jeering and spitting and poking, and acting like a bunch of Texans at an excecution, Jesus says "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing." He didn't say, "I'll see you in Hell, damn Romans and Jews!", he didn't say "Wait till my father hears about this!", he forgave them. Now, if God can forgive Diecide, I'm pretty sure s/he's not going to dicker about whether we're in the right religious club when we die. So there's that.

But most important, God became human in the first place, knowing full well s/he wasn't going to be the guest of honor at the human banquet. God came into the world of our petty fears, our hopes and dreams, our busy lives of living and working and fucking, and trying desperately to measure up to something or other, we forgot what, of fear and doubt and dread. And God looked and saw that it was good. Not perfect, good. We are worthy of God, worthy of perfection.

That's fucking fabulous.

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