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2002-04-19 - 5:52 p.m.

Been doing some thinking lately, about careers and what not, and I've come to a surprising and comforting conclusion: I know what I want to do if acting doesn't pan out. Now it's nice to have a plan B in general, knowing that life is full of surprises, and ain't a damn thing you can do to make the sucker follow orders anyway, but it's even better to have a backup that excites you almost as much as your original idea. In fact, it's almost too much of a good thing, because you start wondering which plan is A and which is B. Allow me to explain.

I'm gonna join the Peace Corps. Maybe. I've been giving it a serious look, and honestly there's a lot going for it. Not in terms of money, oh NO my children, but rather in terms of opportunity. You see, Peace Coprs Vets get preferwential treatment when they apply for the Foreign Service. No that's not the Euro-dudes on camel-back swatting flies in Algeria, rather the official name for the wing of the State Department that consists of Ambassadors, Diplomats , and Ministers pleni-and not so-potentiary. On their web-site they have a questionnaire designed to let you know if your whast they're looking for: in the 'scare some damn sense into you' department, they warned that it would involve spending 'most of the next 25 years living abroad', and changing stations (and countries) every two to four years. They wonder if I can put up with that. I was expecting to find that stipulation under the 'perks' department, so I was pretty enthused. I really like the thought of having a hand in the running of the world, and also of the possibility of doing something really good in my time here on earth. I'd like to, in the words of so many dead idealists, make a difference.

Of course, that would mean giving up acting. I'm not sure if I can do that. I just got a call from my agent yesterday, she's setting me up on a Volkswagon commercial, and I've got an audition for a new musical being produced in Stuart Florida. I spoke on the phone with the producer, and I think I won him over with my charm. He didn't slam the phione down when he heard I wasn't union. Also, the parts are all easily in my range, so I think I've got a chance even if I can't take any singing lessons in the mean time. I also just saw 'Postcards from the edge', and the insanity of it reminded me of what it was I'm trying to attain: life on the edge.

I'm pretty much equally divided right now, and I'd appreciate any input you guys can give me. Do you want me living like a prima-donna, or running the world? How ya like them apples?

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