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2002-02-05 - 12:18 p.m.

Well, I'm back.

I just spent 3 days in NYC, auditioning for NYU (won't hear back till March), having dinner with my Aunt Marrianne (a horribly interesting person, and one of my dearest relatives), and smoking out and talking with my twin brother, Billy. I had a great time, and my money did not fully run out, thank God. I'm still flat broke, but I'm doing a little better: I had a casting yesterday, un-paying FSU grad films, but a casting none-the-less, and it looks like I have a job: I'll be calling in a few minutes to see if they need me. It's the Vienna Cafe, a restaurant owned by the same guy as Bones, but without Sonia, the devil incarnate. I stand poised to replace Steve, a former Bones waiter currently going back to jail for probation violation for a month. Could mean $400 a week, and I need it.

I'm also teaching a class today, as well as going to rehearsal tonight, so I've got a nice full day ahead of me. I'm still single, but there are a few prospects. I'm not looking forward to Valentine's Day either, actionhero. It's a stupid holiday, expensive for no good reason, and media-manufactured to boot. Unless I get a date, in which case it's sweet. I've been pretty bad about updating recently, mostly due to the funk in which I sunk myself. I had a great talk with Billy, wherein I finally took a little responsibility for my current unemployment. I haven't been searching as ceaselessly as I'd like to think. In a situation where I'm fast approaching financial ruin, so this is not the time to play cliff-hanger. I don't have any new insights right now, but it's about time for some, I think. Next entry will be philosophical and inquisitive, I promise.

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