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2002-05-15 - 2:40 p.m.

Well, well, isn't THIS special! Two entries in as many days, what next? Surely it is the end of days, verily, the apocalypse is upon us! Some stuff of import has happened, both what has occured in the last 24 hours, but also stuff which happened days, nay, weeks ago and I have not written up. Also, a quick and fervent apologia.

Malraux: I will be in NYC from the 6th to the 9th. I will be in Queens as well, and I intend to make up for the many months of incommunicadodom which I have foisted upon you. We must visit, in the Village, the Peculiar Pub, there to sample an impressive variety of beers and flirt with many a barmaid of good tooth and nail. There is much of which to speak.

Heph: I will see you for Graduation, or there will be hell to pay. I want updates on your academic career, to get to know you, the you you now are. I miss you, your comforting words, your Viking contempt for sobriety and ignorance, and god-damn it, the beard. I will call you Capt. Blackbeard, in honor of Shel Silverstein, unless some basic addition is made to placate my sense of betrayal. Also, I've read some good books we need to talk about. I haven't written you, either in too damn long, and I'm looking forward to seeing you again, mein Freund.

LadyJeanGrey: Again, my inability to write you is legendary. Will we see you for PCP, or are we doomed to supporting you solely through the occaisional toast to your Californian self?

Everyone: I haven't written anyone at all, honestly. I've been, not busy, although I have been, but funked. Being funked means not doing anything that might releive one's funk, like reestablishing contact with dear and close friends. It's a lousy modus vivandi, and I hearby eschew it. But to do that, I need some info: when exactly is PCP? I figure I should have some date in mind, to make it easier to take off from work. You'd be surprised how much that helps.

My friend Karen, the Canvas Clown, has left South Florida. I did not see her off. I was working. I didn't call her to say bye. I was lazy, and didn't really peice together the fact that time passes with the fact that she would leave, given enough time. That is the essence of funk. Karen: I'm sorry about this. I'll see you too at grad, and I will miss you very, very much.

On a lighter note, I spent last night at Barnes and Nobles, drinking coffee and not reading a damn word. This is because my coffee buying was interrupted by a beautiful woman who struck up a conversation with me which lasted three hours, and in which God, Fate, Acting, Good and Evil were all constituent parts. This goes to show one thing: I am the greatest person who has ever lived. Boo-yah! Yay me! It made me feel really good, and was pretty much the perfect end to a perfect day. Yeah, it was great all around. I recommend days like that. Also, I read a newspaper article completely in Irish today, so my linguistic faculties are actually improving! Hoody hoo, indeed.

There is one final apology I have to make right now, but I'll do that off-line. It's too important to leave to the whims of a few electrons. I will see you all soon.

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