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2003-10-17 - 12:56 p.m.

This is the beginning of the Diary kept while on tour - it is a transcription of the journal, with as little editing as possible.

This is the beginning of what I hope will be a long and fruitful endeavor - that of recording, considering, and clarifying myself to myself. In a sense, I am acting as Historian to myself, since I will all but certainly need the practice in the near future. More on that later. This will be primarily a journal of my thoughts and memories of my time on the Boston Flamenco BAllet's Winter Tour. I'm setting this time frame in order to provide a sense of completion, and hopefully accomplishment, as an inducement to keep writing when the tour has finished. I have a lot to reflect on, so I'll need a structure - I propose dividing my life as written into 5 spheres: Personal, Professional, Intelelctual, Social, and Political.

1) Personal - my relations with the others on tour, my efforts to break up with Beth (my girlfriend), and my dealings with my family.

2)Professional - a short section regarding my thoughts on acting. This will change when the tour ends, since this should be my last acting gig.

3) Intellectual - Thoughts about books I'm reading, a log of my writing activities, and assorted ramblings.

4) Social - reflections on the other actors, and small portraits of them, as association prompts.

5) Political - political arguments, and career considerations.The idea is tthat something will happen everyday in each category, and writing will get me thinking. So, with the ground rules established, and with no further ado, let the writing commence!

La Aventura Comienza!

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